Bunny Cafe – Europe’s first cafe with rabbits

Bunny Cafe Cracow
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This is definitely the sweetest place we’ve ever eaten cake and drunk coffee. Bunny Cafe, the first cafe in Europe, Poland and Krakow where you can meet rabbits. Come with us, and we’ll show you a place where real queues line up to the… pink pen.

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Bunny Cafe in Krakow

You won’t believe it, but we got here completely by accident. Walking along Dluga Street in Krakow, we saw a place where rabbits rule. Our attention was caught by the interior of an inconspicuous cafe. It was extremely sweet, something between a pink candy and a powdery heart. The decor and furniture brought to mind a pastel dollhouse from childhood or a Scandinavian IKEA-style apartment.

Bunny Cafe

After entering, it turned out that Bunny Cafe is half a bistro and half an animal playground. You can eat or drink something there, as well as commune with nature. Actually, this nature lives in confinement, but it looks good, jumps cheerfully and does not look as if it was hurt in any way. Look at the photo below! Maybe there is no grass here, but there is definitely a place to have fun or relax.

Bunny Cafe Krakow

You have to wait a bit to enter the rabbit pen at Bunny Cafe. Choosing the visiting time (Saturday morning), we thought that everyone was still asleep. We were wrong. It seems that true fans of rabbits never sleep. On the spot, it turned out that we had to wait both for the meeting with the bunnies and for the table.

Bunny Cafe Cracow

It was worth it! At the beginning we got a small cup of rabbit delicacies from the lady who keeps order in the pen. It is very important to feed the residents of the cafe only with food received from the staff. Otherwise, you can contribute to the stomach problems of bunnies.

Bunny Cafe Poland

The moment you cross the threshold of the rabbit pen, the level of sweetness will reach its zenith. Seriously. We have never seen so many different and so cute rabbits at the same time. The ‘passive’ part of them is relaxing in miniature wooden houses and it is obvious that they must not be disturbed in their rest. After all, everyone would get tired of so many visits from fans.

Bunny Cafe Europe

On the other side, the ‘active’ part of rabbits at the sight (or perhaps the smell) of treats willingly leans out of their dens and approaches the guests. During our visit, the animals literally ate out of our hands. And here we were probably surprised the most – the touch of the rabbit’s mouth is incredibly soft, almost velvety. They are really gentle creatures.

rabbit cafe

The visit goes by very quickly. And although the time of stay in the pen is unlimited, we realize that there were many guests much younger than us waiting in line. So we sadly say goodbye to all these cuties, take a commemorative photo with our favorite and leave this place. We will definitely come back.

rabbit cafe cracow

Bunny Cafe – menu

The Bunny Cafe menu is relatively short, but fully vegetarian. This means that the creators of this place have really good hearts and not only save rabbits, but also don’t serve any other animals on their plates. We congratulate and fully support such solutions.

rabbit cafe krakow

At Bunny Cafe you can drink hot and cold drinks, eat a savory baguette or – like us – be tempted by a piece of one of the delicious cakes. Be careful! They effectively tempt anyone who keeps an eye on them for a second.

rabbit cafe poland

Bunny Cafe – prices and opening hours

  • Entrance to the cafe and watching rabbits ‘from a distance’ is free. But who could resist these cuties and not visit their pen for a moment? Certainly not us!
  • Admission to the rabbit pen (without time limits), a cup of treats and the unique opportunity to pet and feed the animals costs PLN 18.90 (reduced ticket) or PLN 21.90 (normal ticket).
  • And when it comes to the prices of drinks and snacks for people, you will pay PLN 10-20 for them.
  • You can visit Królicza Kawiarnia from Monday to Sunday from 11:00 to 21:00.

rabbit cafe europe

Bunny Cafe – how to get?

Bunny Cafe is located at 4 Dluga Street in Krakow, in the very center of the city.

  • Car. You should not have a problem with parking – along Długa Street you will find a lot of parking spaces (it costs PLN 6 per hour).
  • Public transport. The nearest bus stop to Bunny Cafe is Stary Kleparz – you can get here by tram or bus.
  • Walk. The Bunny Cafe is just 7 minutes walk from the Main Market Square (Rynek Główny).

bunny cafe menu

Bunny Cafe – tips

  • Bunny Cafe is not an ordinary business focused solely on profit. It is, above all, a beautiful rabbit house. The creators of this place not only provide great living conditions for their long-eared tenants, but also allocate funds to foundations that help animals. So it’s worth coming here from time to time for a cup of coffee or sponsoring the hopping cuties a cup of treats.
  • There are long queues of adults and children at the Bunny Cafe wanting to spend some time with the cute bunnies. Remember, however, that for safety reasons, children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter the pen. To avoid unpleasant disappointment on the spot, better not take younger kids here. In addition, every child under the age of 10 must be under the care of an adult at all times.
  • The most important rule that applies at Bunny Cafe is to comply with its regulations. Remember that you are the guests in the rabbit house, so you have to adapt to their rules. If you are adult carers of children, don’t let your charges hurt their ears. When entering the pen, be quiet and calm. No running, screaming or sudden movements. If the rabbits are not willing to play, they are inside the house or they are just sleeping – do not disturb them and don’t contact with them by force. Don’t touch them in sensitive places (legs, tummy, tail) and don’t pull on their ears or mustache. Feed your pets only with treats prepared by the staff. And remember: rabbits are not princesses, they don’t like to be carried around.

rabbit cafe menu

Bunny Cafe in Krakow – reviews

  • Patrix – 9/10. A very pleasant place! In Bunny Cafe we started with a visit to the rabbit pen. Then we had breakfast – we chose baguettes from the menu. They were really tasty. Then we drank coffee and tried a cake. Our taste buds were pleased. But of course the biggest attraction of the cafe are the rabbits! They were happy to eat out of our hands. They were also eager to be petted. The big plus for good organization: the ‘rabbits guardian’ watches over the animals and their guests all the time.
  • Wiolczix – 10/10. The sweetness level in this place is 300% of the norm. (Just look at the pink frosted decor in the pictures!) Unlike some other ‘animal’ cafes I’ve been to, the interior is neat, clean and simply pleasing to the eye. Rabbits are tame, clearly used to constant contact with humans and simply sweet. Bunny Cafe is a paradise for kids – both small and big (and even as big as us). An additional huge plus for the creators of this place for helping defenseless animals. I’m very impressed

cafe with rabbits

Bunny Cafe – rabbit cafe – frequently asked questions

Where is the rabbit cafe in Poland?

The first Polish (and European) rabbit cafe is Bunny Cafe. It was opened in 2022 and is located at 4 Długa Street in Krakow in the Old Town district. In 2024, a similar facility called Hunny Bunny was established at ul. Jagiellońska 12 in Rzeszów.

Where in the world is there a rabbit cafe?

Rabbit cafes are found not only in Poland. On the Old Continent, you can drink coffee with bunnies during your trip to London. Outside Europe, you will also have this opportunity in Japan.

How much does it cost to enter the Bunny Cafe in Krakow?

Admission to the Bunny Cafe and watching the rabbits is free. You have to pay to enter the rabbit pen and snacks for the animals – from PLN 18.90 (discount ticket) to PLN 21.90 (normal ticket). The prices of drinks and snacks are shown on the menu.

At what age can you enter the rabbit cafe?

The regulations of the Bunny Cafe allow children from the age of 7 to enter the bunny cafe only if accompanied by their guardians.

Bunny Cafe, Krakow – map

Bunny Cafe in Krakow is located at 4 Dluga Street, just a few minutes walk from the Main Market Square.

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