This time we totally flew away – literally! If you also want to get away from the earth, a balloon flight for two will be the perfect option. We decided to see Warsaw and its most beautiful surroundings from a bird’s eye view. From above, the capital of Poland looks exceptionally beautiful and fabulously green.
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A balloon flight for two over Warsaw
A flight in a wicker basket, lifted by a colorful balloon and heated only by fire, was probably every child’s dream. The Travel-Mates team are specialists in making dreams come true – especially those that they didn’t manage to fulfill in childhood. So one day we decided to take off and fly straight to the sky. To do it with the most experienced and titled pilot in Poland, we purchased a voucher from First Class Ballooning. When we had our ticket to heaven both in our hands and on our e-mail, we were impatiently waiting for the greatest adventures of our lives.
It turned out that we didn’t have to wait long for a convenient date. In fact, we set it almost immediately. The great experience was planned for Sunday afternoon. We were informed earlier that the success of the entire expedition depended on weather conditions. If it is windy or pouring, the flight will definitely not take place. We kept our fingers crossed for perfect weather all weekend. Our prayers have been answered. Do you want to know what our adventure was like?
We started from the parking lot in Nieporęt near the Zegrze Reservoir. Or rather, from the farmland next to the parking lot. A large group of people gathered around the balloon. There were only seventeen participants in the flight, but apart from us, there were also many people who simply wanted to watch the launch. However, in order for our aircraft to fly successfully, it first had to be unfolded and inflated. For this purpose, a powerful fan is placed next to the basket, which blows air into the colorful envelope of the balloon.
The next step is to place the inflated balloon vertically. Our pilot, Mr. Dariusz Brzozowski, had to make some effort to get the basket to obediently stand in the right position. Before we jumped into it, we were instructed on how to get in and out properly, as well as what position to take during landing. We also had to form groups of several people in advance, because the basket is divided into sections, each holding 4-5 people. Therefore, there is no question of the passengers moving arbitrarily during the journey and thus… overloading the balloon to one side. However, it is tight and you will definitely feel your neighbor’s breath on your back.
The moment of leaving the earth is truly magical. The beginning of the flight reminds us a bit of… an examination under a microscope (actually, in reverse). You seem to be standing still, but everything is getting smaller and smaller. When the basket was still moored (to the car), the trees, people and buildings around it were of standard size. As the balloon rose higher and higher, everything became tiny. Until it finally resembled a town made of LEGO bricks. Amazing thing.
Once the initial shock of being completely high had worn off, we began to wonder about the things that had surprised us. First of all – it’s not cold in the basket at all. We thought we would be very cold ‘in the clouds’, but there was even warmer than down below. All thanks to the burner, which heats so much that the entire hair becomes hot (don’t worry, girls, it won’t burn). Secondly, the flight is so gentle that it actually seems as if we were standing still. No unpleasant shaking or gusts of wind.
The most surprising thing, however, was how quickly our brains got used to this rather unusual situation. Well, let’s face it, flying in a wicker basket several hundred meters above the ground is quite strange for body and mind. At the beginning we felt slight discomfort, which completely gave way to euphoria and delight. We had the whole world under our feet. We don’t know if it was the adrenaline, but any anxiety turned into excitement. Of course, somewhere on your back you always feel a little thrill, but only positive one.
However, all good things come to an end. Definitely too fast. 40 minutes in heaven passes so quickly and the pilot starts looking for a place to land. And here’s another magical thing about the balloon! You can’t really maneuver it at will like a car or plane. The pilot must cooperate closely with… weather conditions, specifically the wind and its direction. When the altitude starts to drop and everything gets bigger and bigger, you know for sure that the adventure is coming to an end. The basket hits the ground with a (powerful) force, and all the passengers hit its walls hard.
After a hard landing, it’s time to fold the balloon. When the air is completely deflated from envelope, you need to roll it up like a carpet. Mr. Dariusz is helped by several volunteers visible in the photo below (don’t worry, the Travel-Mates team also had a hand in this). It turns out that a huge ball that could lift a wicker gondola with a dozen or so people, when rolled up, fits onto a small trailer. As a reward for courage, all adults get a glass of prosecco. Mr. Dariusz also gives us a short and very interesting lecture on the history of ballooning. It’s a pity that the sky trip doesn’t last longer. We could even fly to the end of the world.
Balloon flight – Warsaw – duration
The balloon flight over Warsaw lasts 30-40 minutes (depending on weather conditions and the availability of a landing site). However, the entire balloon adventure may last up to 3-4 hours (from the start to transporting participants to the meeting point after landing).
Balloon flight – price
For a balloon flight for two near Warsaw (in a group of 10-20 people, lasting 30-40 minutes), you will pay PLN 1,149.
Balloon flight over Warsaw – how to get?
We started our balloon adventure at the parking lot near the McDonald’s restaurant in NieporÄ™t (ul. ZegrzyÅ„ska 2).
- Bus. The ZTM bus line 705 will take you from Warsaw to Nieporęt. Get off at the PKP Nieporęt stop.
- Train. If you choose the train, the quickest way will be by SKM. For example: a journey from Warszawa Gdańska to Nieporęt station will take about 30 minutes.
- Car. NieporÄ™t is located approximately 30 km north of the center of Warsaw. The journey by car will take about 45-50 minutes. It’s always better to add extra time, because this route can be jammed. Due to the presence of the Zegrze Reservoir, NieporÄ™t is a popular tourist destination. You will find paid and free parking lots here. Of course, if you are a McDonald’s customer, you can park next to restaurant.
Balloon flight over Warsaw – tips
- The balloon we flew with First Class Ballooning is the second largest aircraft of this type in Poland.
- If you would like to both fly in a hot air balloon and jump with a parachute, you can kill two birds with one stone. First Class Ballooning organizes tandem parachute jumps.
- Listen carefully to the short pre-flight instruction, especially the information about what position to take during landing (loose body, appropriate tilt, elbow lock). This will help you avoid a strong encounter with reality (that is, bumps and bruises).
- Our best advice: don’t book a flight far from where you live. Even if 500 kilometers away there are much nicer views. Whether the flight will be successful depends largely on weather conditions, which can change rapidly. Even if the pilot arranges an attraction with you on Saturday, on Sunday factors may suddenly appear that make it impossible to start, and the entire adventure will be canceled at the last minute. Then don’t hold any grudges against anyone – it’s for your safety.
- A balloon flight for two is a popular option on various websites offering gift vouchers. However, we advise you to purchase the flight directly from the organizer (in our case it was First Class Ballooning). Why? There is information on online forums about difficulties in booking a flight purchased through gift vouchers companies. To put it more clearly: you are buying a voucher that you cannot redeem due to constant lack of dates. We have even read about situations in which the recipient couldn’t use the voucher for 2 years and in the end… the gift expired. You’re probably wondering where this problem comes from? Gift vouchers companie don’t have their own balloons or pilots, they use the services of the appropriate organizer. He first serves customers who purchased the service directly from him. This way, with First Class Ballooning, we managed to fly in a very short time after purchasing the flight, and contact with the organizer was quick, easy and pleasant.
Balloon flight – reviews
- Patrix – 10/10! It was a great adventure! Watching the almost hour-long preparation is impressive and exciting. The moment of leaving the land gave me the greatest fear. During the first 30 seconds, the altitude increases very quickly. The Earth is moving away from us. The fact that the balloon basket is not secured in any way, gave me a lot of adrenaline. However, all worries disappeared after a few minutes of flight. Flying in the clouds is an incredibly cool adventure. It cannot be compared to anything else because it’s so unique experience! I definitely recommend it! Your head is literally in the clouds! Now think about it: 16 people in the basket + the weight of the basket + the weight of the gas cylinder + the weight of the balloon = it must weigh 2.5 tons (that’s as much as two cars!). How can a balloon filled with air carry this? I don’t know. There is something magical about it!
- Wiolczix – 10/10. I have already had several ‘aerial adventures’, but a balloon flight is an absolutely unique experience. Even if you are flying with a dozen or so people in one basket and you have to hug strangers, there is something… romantic in this adventure. The moment of leaving the ground and floating higher and higher is an amazing feeling. The Warsaw area looks truly magical from above! Less euphoric things: knowing that you only have a basket under your feet definitely increases your adrenaline level. Something fabulous! If I were to decide to fly in a hot air balloon again, I would choose First Class Ballooning with Captain Dariusz at the controls. His presence made me feel confident throughout the entire flight and I wasn’t afraid that something would go wrong. Thanks to this, I could enjoy the attraction 100%. Super cool attraction!
Balloon flight – FAQ
Is a balloon flight safe?
Yes, hot air balloon flight is safe. Balloons are considered one of the most reliable aircraft. Of course, to feel more confident during the trip, it is best to go with an experienced and titled pilot. Such an organizer will certainly take care of the passengers’ comfort, carefully check the weather conditions before the start and will work with good equipment. If you are still not convinced, let’s look at the statistics: according to them, only one balloon pilot died in post-war Poland, but not as a result of equipment failure. He was shot.
Where in Poland can I fly a hot air balloon?
In Poland, sightseeing balloon flights are organized in the most picturesque and touristy parts of the country. The largest companies organize flights in the mountains, Masuria and near large cities. The most popular places are Masuria, Podlasie, Karkonosze Mountains, Jizera Mountains and also the surroundings of Zakopane, Wroclaw, Szczecin, Warsaw, Poznan, Opole, Katowice, Krakow, Lodz, Tricity, Olsztyn, Lublin.
Is it cold during a hot air balloon flight?
In the basket is not cold during a balloon flight. On the contrary, the burning gas produces so much heat that if you stand close to the burner, you may even feel hot.
How to dress for a hot air balloon flight?
For a balloon flight, it is worth wearing comfortable clothes, sports shoes and a headwear that will provide some protection from the heat of the burner. The temperature in the air doesn’t differ much from the temperature on the ground (maximum 1-2 degrees), so there is no need to take warmer clothes for your sky adventure. We also recommend applying a sunscreen to protect your face.
Who can’t fly in a balloon?
There are no major contraindications to a balloon flight, but it is not recommended for people: with heart disease; after recent operations; with spine, knee or hip problems. Pregnant and postpartum women should postpone their flight. If you are concerned about the health consequences of a balloon flight, consult your doctor who will best assess your readiness.
What to take with you for a hot air balloon flight?
For a balloon flight, take comfortable clothes, a baseball cap, a small bottle of water, a phone or a camera (if you want to take photos) and… a great mood. Remember, however, not to take unnecessary luggage with you, as it will take up space in the basket and reduce the comfort of your and other passengers’ travel.
Is there a toilet in the balloon?
There is no toilet in the balloon. There is definitely too little space in the basket to put it there. By the way – I wonder if anyone came up with such an idea at all. Remember to take care of all your physiological needs before traveling.
Is it possible to turn the balloon?
The balloon cannot be turned. When you get into the basket, you will quickly realize that there is no steering wheel. You can only change the altitude and direction of flight, using the wind blowing in a given direction. The course of the flight and landing depend mainly on weather conditions. Remember, that when you decide to go on a balloon adventure, you rely largely on… nature.
Balloon flight for two – how many people in the basket?
If you buy a voucher for a ‘balloon flight for two’, it does not mean that you will go on a sky-high journey only the two of you (actually the three of you with the pilot). Usually, this voucher means a flight in a group of a dozen or so people. Of course, some companies organize romantic balloon flights for couples only – but they are several times more expensive.
Balloon flight over Warsaw – map
Together with Mr. Dariusz from First Class Ballooning, we flew (almost) to heaven from the parking lot at McDonald’s in NieporÄ™t.