Tea House Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury in Warsaw

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury Warsaw
Masovian VoivodeshipNo price limitPolandUnder EUR 10Under EUR 25Under EUR 5Warsaw

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Have you ever heard about tea house Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury in Warsaw? It is created by the well-known Polish company which produces healthy teas, coffees infusions and spices. If you are eco-freak, you have to check it out. This place is pure magic! Its cozy interior will be a perfect shelter for you on autumn and winter days.

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Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury – interior

Legend has it that the creators of this place wanted to smuggle a bit of Podlasie into the capital city. Podlasie is the ‘lungs of Poland’. There are large forest complexes, four national parks, wild nature, clean rivers and lakes. It is the region where the heart of Dary Natury beats (to put it less poetic: where the company’s headquarters are located). The interior of the Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury is strongly inspired by Podlasie. Crossing the threshold, you will feel a bit like in the forest, and a bit like in a grandfather’s drying room of herbs (if you don’t have a grandfather in the country with such a drying room, you must come here even more).

Pijalnia Ziol Dary Natury in Warsaw

Inside Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury almost everything is made of raw wood. A lot of dried herbs hangs over wooden tables, chairs, shelves and counters. Bouquets of nettle, chamomile, sage (and many other plants unidentified by us) emit an amazing smell. We haven’t seen anything like it before and we haven’t felt it in any other cafe or teahouse. And this warm light that will make the interior so cozy that you don’t want to leave it… Like a fairy tale!

Tea house Warsaw

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury – menu

In the menu of Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury in Warsaw you will find only healthy dishes and drinks. This is what makes this place stand out from the competitors. You can choose between herbal infusions, herb blends, eco teas, cereal coffees, juices and lemonades. You certainly won’t leave this place hungry. Sweet and savory, vegan and gluten-free options will satisfy even picky customers.

Pijalnia Ziol Dary Natury menu

Our favorites? Number 1 is eco-tea on a stick, which from a dry bud develops in water into a large flower. It looks beautiful and tastes great. Number 2 is non-coffee from the cereal coffee tasting set. You order three flavors and judge. We really liked the chicory root, hemp seeds surprised us the most. Number 3 is a herbal mixture with the charming name ‘Dobry nastrój’ (in English: ‘Good mood’). It really made us feel better.

eco coffee Warsaw

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury – how to get?

The Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury is located at 19 Mokotowska Street (we enter from Marszałkowska Street). It is so close from the famous Plac Zbawiciela aka Zbawix. You can easily get here by car, bus, tram and subway.

Tea Shop Dary Natury Warszawa how to gettea on a stick

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury – prices and opening hours

Although apparently the best things in life are free, we suggest you leave a few PLN here and taste the true gifts of nature. Prices are not too high. The investment will certainly pay off because all items on the menu are very healthy.

Tea House Dary Natury is open:

  • from Sunday to Wednesday from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • from Thursday to Saturday from 10:00 to 22:00.

Tea House Dary Natury in Warsaw pricesTea Shop Warsaw

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury – tips

  • The Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury is connected to a store full of teas, herbs and spices. Be careful, because it may turn out that you need everything that you may not have used so far, but you can find it on the shelves. For example: cubeba pepper, freeze-dried eco tarragon or acorn coffee.
  • I think we mentioned at the beginning that Dary Natury is based in Podlasie? A large part of the interior design elements came to Warsaw from this region. You can feel here like in the forest. 🙂
  • During the last visit to the Pijalni Ziół Dary Natury, the stars were aligned us. Among hundreds of products, we even found tea for real zodiacs. Of course, like everyone else, we don’t believe in horoscopes, but we grabbed one for ourselves. Twins for Wiolczi. Cancer for Patrix.

zodiacal teaDary Natury shop Warsaw

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury in Warsaw – worth it?

  • Patrix – 10/10. Great atmosphere & only healthy things. Every time we go to Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury, we tell ourselves that we go there for ‘max half an hour’, and we stay at least two, because it’s so nice! They don’t serve meat here, which is important for us vegetarians. No animal dies so that we can be full. There are only magical flavors in the shop! I highly recommend.
  • Wiolczix – 9/10. A unique place. Green eco-island on the map of Warsaw. A small minus for the long waiting time – but it’s definitely because the staff brews herbs with love. Be sure to visit!

Tea House Ziół Dary Natury Warsaw

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury – frequently asked questions

Dary Natury company – what is it?

Dary Natury is a Polish company that produces healthy, organic food. They have a wide range of teas, herbs, spices, preserves, ready-made meals and desserts. The vast majority of Dary Natury products have an EU “green certificate”.

Where is the Tea House Dary Natury located?

Tea Houses Dary Natury are located in Warsaw. The first one is at ul. Mokotowska 19 (entrance from ul. Marszałkowska, near Plac Zbawiciela), the second one is at ul. Żelazna 51/53 (in the Norblin Factory).

Is there a shop in the Tea Houses Dary Natury?

Yes, in Tea Houses Dary Natury there is not only a bar, but also a shop. You can buy a lot of natural, eco-friendly products there.

What can you drink at the Tea House Dary Natury?

At the Tea House Dary Natury you can drink healthy and natural drinks. These include herbal infusions, tea mixtures, decaffeinated coffees, and cocktails. Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury is also a place where you can eat a vegetarian snack or lunch.

Pijalnia Ziół Dary Natury & the shop – map

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