The historic moment has come – the first unanimously negative (or at least not very positive) review of a place visited by Travel-Mates.PL. We have sometimes left a given attraction not satisfied enough, but we have never been so disappointed before. Well, maybe the Polish History Museum at the Warsaw Citadel was too heavily advertised in the media and social media and that’s why we expected (literally;)) a miracle on the Vistula? Very likely. One thing is certain: if you create an imperfect place, don’t make it a perfect advertisement. Guests will surely notice that something has gone wrong. But to the point…
Are you looking for an idea to spend your free time? Check out our section​: Best things to do in Warsaw!
Polish History Museum in Warsaw – photos
We went on a trip to the Polish History Museum after the biggest media boom for this place had already passed. On the one hand, we were afraid that the attraction might be a bit overrated, but on the other hand, we had to get there. After all, television and Internet portals were buzzing about the largest, most modern and most expensive museum in Poland.
It must be admitted that the building from the outside makes a colossal impression. Applause for architects, designers and contractors. The simple shape of the object looks strict and monumental. Gray slabs add class and majesty, and glazed elements add style and modernity.
After entering the building, we stand in a huge hall, whose cool colors are toned down by slightly warm light. The walls are many meters high, the space is really vast, and we feel very small here. We buy tickets and plan on spending many hours visiting this impressive place. Well, this is where the spell breaks.
Upon entering, it turns out that at this moment we can only feel a foretaste of the real history of Poland. In short: yes, the facility has been opened, but in fact it is still mostly unfinished and now you can only see the temporary exhibition “Great and Small Stories. Creating the Collection of the Polish History Museum”. Well, that’s hard. However, our enthusiasm does not cool down, because in the end we still have to visit the huge hall that we are entering.
Here’s another disappointment. The room was arranged in a really designer way, but apart from that it was no different from much older (and cheaper!) facilities of this type. Shelves, display cases and “free-standing” exhibits were loosely scattered around the (not fully utilized) room. The collected items are in no way related to each other, no one has told any story with them. So we can first look at bonds issued in 1935…
…and then smoothly move on to the Order of the White Eagle awarded posthumously to Roman Dmowski and Ignacy DaszyÅ„ski. We would not like to detract from these awards in any way. We appreciate both the craftsmanship and the heroic deeds of the honored people, but couldn’t we have included some multimedia device here that would make these two men more familiar, especially to younger visitors?
The creators of the exhibition clearly assumed that all guests would come with at least basic knowledge about history and that a signature would be enough to satisfy their curiosity. Well, no. Most people finishing primary school know what Enigma was, but it would be worth telling tourists from abroad (we are talking about countries that were not affected by World War II) or younger children something more about it. Preferably in a form other than written.
The exhibition about Poland in the era of communism gave us hope. For a moment we were transported to an era nostalgically remembered by our parents. The Wigry 3 bicycle, the Lazuryt television set, the Pionier radio receiver and the Grundig tape recorder are technological marvels that we only saw in our grandparents’ attic. Just like worn-out clothes, everyday items or Solidarity pins.
While the ‘communist’ exhibition had some soul and history, the subsequent showcases again resembled closed collections of random objects. And so we came across, for example, a commemorative “exhibition” in honor of the European Union. Stamps, coins, bookmark, pin, pocket calendar with EU symbols. Nice, but we don’t really know why.
Of course, the Smolensk theme also appears in the Polish History Museum. The children’s drawings are probably intended to symbolize the memory of the plane crash among the younger generation, but – as in the case of other exhibits – it would be worth explaining the context. Otherwise, you are left with dissatisfaction or complete misunderstanding.
And speaking of misunderstanding – to this day we cannot explain to each other what the Polish History Museum (sic!) is doing… the tailgate and license plate of a Hyundai i30 shot at in Mariupol. We supported Ukrainians after the outbreak of the war and we are not prejudiced against immigrants in any way, but we are not entirely sure whether this exhibit went to the right place. Maybe one day it will be more useful in Kiev?
Of course, the Travel-Mates team, even if they complain a little, can still find something positive in every place. It was no different at the Polish History Museum. Impressive and impressive exhibits included, for example, a concrete training bomb, fragments of a powerful missile and a tank artillery shell. They are really big in real life.
If someone is interested in the textile industry (an unpopular hobby) or fashion (a much more popular hobby), they will certainly not be indifferent to a weaving loom from the famous Maurycy Bauer factory. This machine with so many colorful threads looks so beautiful that you wish you knew how to use it. Or at least see a video of someone else operating it?
The Polish History Museum definitely lacks interactive attractions. And it’s not just about screens. You can offer visitors attractions… physical ones. We managed to come up with one such thing – it was tying a robe belt according to the instructions mounted on the wall. Unfortunately, neither Wiolczi nor Patryk were able to do it correctly. Well, modern gentlemen have it much easier with ties than the nobility with robes, that’s what!
Our visit to the Polish History Museum can be perfectly summarized by the photo above, in which we present the second ‘interactive’ attraction, i.e. ’embroidery in wood’. It wasn’t easy, but we managed. It may all look chaotic and nothing fits together, but at least you can spend your free time creatively and break away from electronics. What we wish for both ourselves and you.
Polish History Museum – tickets
Tickets to the Polish History Museum cost:
- adult ticket – PLN 20.
- reduced – PLN 10.
- group – PLN 15 per person.
- family – PLN 30.
Children up to 7 years old enter for free.
Every Friday and public holidays, admission to the museum is free.
Polish History Museum – opening hours
The Polish History Museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday:
- from Wednesday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00.
- on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 19:00.
Polish History Museum – visiting time
A quick tour (walking through all the exhibits without focusing too much on details) should take you about 30 minutes. If you want to deepen your knowledge (by reading the descriptions) and lie on the couch (watching the same patriotic visualization several times), reserve about 60 minutes.
Polish History Museum – Warsaw Citadel – how to get?
The Polish History Museum is located in the Warsaw Citadel, in the Żoliborz district, at 1 Gwardii Street.
- Traditionally, we encourage ecological walking and cycling trips – the museum is located about 5 km from the center of Warsaw (60 minutes on foot or 20 by bike).
- There are couple bus stops nearby: Cytadela, Most Gdański, Park Traugutta, Warszawa Gdańska.
- If you want to come by tram, the closest stops are: Most Gdański, Park Traugutta, Warszawa Gdańska.
- When traveling by metro, get off at the Dworzec GdaÅ„ski station – within a 15-minute walk you will reach the Polish History Museum.
- Have you decided to travel by train? The museum is located a stone’s throw (15 minutes on foot) from the Warszawa Główna station.
- Information for those arriving by car: on the premises of the Polish History Museum you will find an underground parking lot (the fee is PLN 6 per hour).
Polish History Museum – interesting facts and tips
- One of the most talented Polish artists, sanah, performed at the opening festival of the Polish History Museum.
- The Polish History Museum was built on the Warsaw Citadel, next to the Museum of the Tenth Pavilion, the Katyn Museum and the Polish Army Museum. The arrangement of the buildings in space is not accidental – it is supposed to resemble the layout of the barracks of the Crown Guard during the reign of King StanisÅ‚aw August Poniatowski (in the second half of the 18th century).
- The temporary exhibition is not impressive, but apart from it, the Polish History Museum also offers open lectures and museum lessons for children. It is worth keeping up to date with the educational offers of the institution.
- In the future, the building of the Polish History Museum will also serve as a conference center. There will be (among other things) an auditorium and a cinema and theater room, which will accommodate several hundred people in total. In addition, there will be workshop and teaching rooms, as well as a library with a reading room.
Polish History Museum – reviews
- Patrix – 2/10. I saw dozens of advertisements for the Polish History Museum on the Internet, on billboards and on television. There was a lot of hype around the opening. I was very excited when he went there. I reserved over 3 hours for sightseeing, and it turned out that these were just random exhibits that had nothing to do with each other. No story. No footnotes. You can visit the whole thing in less than 30 minutes. I advise against it.
- Wiolczix – 4/10. The enormous structure of the building and the huge hall of the Polish History Museum made a huge impression on me. But my visit was unfortunately not an architectural competition. 🙂 The exhibition I saw here seemed extremely chaotic – as if someone organized a collection of exhibits related to the history of Poland, and then grouped them and hid them in display cases / arranged them on shelves / hung them on the walls. Unfortunately, it didn’t make an impression on me. Generally speaking: the picture is nice, but the exhibition lacks content. The good news is that the museum is still under construction, so I believe that in some time you will be able to admire really great things here (and it’s not just about size).
Polish History Museum – FAQ
What is the largest museum in Poland?
The largest museum in Poland is the Polish History Museum, opened in 2023. The building area is over 44,000 square meters. The facility consists of 6 floors – 4 above ground and 2 underground. The area of ​​the (future) permanent exhibition is 7,300 square meters, and the temporary exhibitions – 1,400 square meters.
What is there in the Polish History Museum apart from exhibitions?
In addition to the exhibition halls, the Polish History Museum includes: educational and workshop rooms, a bistro, a restaurant, cafes, a library, a museum shop, an observation deck on the roof and an educational park with an amphitheater. The creators of this facility would like the place to become a cultural and recreational center.
When is the opening of the permanent exhibition at the Polish History Museum?
The opening of the permanent exhibition at the Polish History Museum is planned for 2026. It will cover an area of ​​7,300 square meters. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the history of Poland from the times of the Piast dynasty until the partitions.
How much did the Polish History Museum cost?
According to Business Insider data, the cost of the Polish History Museum at the time of opening was approximately PLN 750 million. (This amount will, of course, increase until the investment is completed.) This staggering sum allowed the creation of the largest facility of this type in Poland and one of the most modern in Europe. The funds for construction come entirely from the state budget.
How much does a ticket to the Polish History Museum cost?
A regular ticket to the Polish History Museum costs PLN 10, and a reduced ticket – PLN 5. A family (up to 6 people) will pay a total of PLN 15, pupils and students up to 26 years of age – PLN 1, and children up to 7 years of age will enter for free.
Polish History Museum – how long does the tour take?
A visit to the Polish History Museum lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. The visit time depends, of course, on the viewer’s level of involvement, but even if there is great interest in the exhibits and their descriptions, one hour should be enough.
Is there a parking lot at the Polish History Museum?
Yes. The Polish History Museum offers an underground parking lot for passenger cars (PLN 6 per hour) and an above-ground parking lot for coaches. You can enter it from the Gdynia Coast (side lane towards the center of Warsaw).
Polish History Museum – map
The Polish History Museum can be found in the Warsaw Citadel, in Żoliborz, right next to the Wybrzeże Gdańskie near the Vistula River.