Visiting the Parliament of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw

Parliament of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw
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We got into parliament. Without any connections or arrangements. And it’s completely free. For now only as tourists, but it was still great to sit on the parliamentary benches or even for a moment find ourselves in the marble hall, so far only known to us from television.

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Visiting Sejm (Polish Parliament) – photos

Let’s start with the fact that the Polish parliament is called Sejm and we will use this name here from time to time. The building of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland has a characteristic dome with a white and red flag flying on top. And that’s basically all you can see from the street. The parliamentary building complex is carefully hidden behind bushes and trees. To see it more closely, you need to enter its premises. If you are wondering whether it is worth it, take a small online tour with us first.

building of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Once you have booked your tour via the website (we explain how to do it below), go to Wiejska 4/6/8 in Warsaw at the indicated time. Be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the tour, because the kind lady in the Pass Section needs a moment to identify you and issue a single-use entry card (please see photo below).

how to visit the Sejm individually

After receiving your passes, you will undergo a mandatory security check, just like at the airport. Remember, although it may be obvious, not to bring firearms, tasers, knives or explosives with you. After being ‘screened’ by the Speaker’s Guard, you will go to the cloakroom and will have to leave your outerwear and any luggage or bags there. You can only take your mobile phone with you for the tour.

Polish Parliament model

We start the guided tour with a model that allows us to take a look at the entire parliamentary complex from above. Its most recognizable element is, of course, the building with a dome and flag, i.e. the Sejm Building with the Assembly Room. In addition, you will find the Senate, the Chancellery, the House of Deputies, the Parliamentary Committee Building, the Pass Section and the Visitor Center. The entire complex is apparently connected by a network of underground corridors, so you can move around the entire facility without going outside.

where is Polish Parliament

The most important point of the tour is, of course, the Assembly Room. Even if you are not a Polish patriot, you will feel this solemn atmosphere when you enter. After all, the most important things in the country happen here and the law is created. The Assembly Room looks much larger on TV than in reality. Members of Parliament sit on oak benches with seats upholstered in green velvet. We would describe the interior design as ‘retro elegance’. In addition to the Marshal of the Polish Parliament, the correctness of voting is supervised by the eagle in the emblem of Poland (which weighs about one tonne!).

Assembly Room Polish Parliament

The entrance to the Assembly Room is guarded by three important symbols: the Polish flag, the European Union flag and a cross. So we have something for the right wing and something for the left wing. Other places that particularly caught our attention were: the chair of the Marshal of the Polish Parliament (the largest, because although he is ‘the second person in the state’, he is certainly the first in this room), the presidential box (clearly marked with the emblem) and the rostrum.

Polish Parliament photos

From the Assembly Room we go to the main hall, which is the most media-friendly place in the entire Sejm. This is mainly where politicians give interviews to journalists. I guess each of Pole, seeing these famous stairs on TV, wanted to walk them at least once (which, of course, the Travel-Mates team did with pleasure). Apparently their designer was inspired by the interior of the Palace of Versailles, so you can feel ‘royal’ here.

Polish Parliament Main Hall

An important accent, which perhaps not everyone pays attention to, is the brass handrail crowning the balustrade of these powerful, three-part stairs. It takes the form of a long, golden snake, winding around the entire hall. Well, this animal was chosen for a reason. It is a symbol of power, courage and ambition. But also cunning, greed and cunning. (Which set of features suits this place better? Choose for yourself.)

Polish Parliament Warsaw

The spacious, bright hall consists of two floors. The beautiful, three-colored floor is made of marble. There are commemorative plaques on the walls, recalling important dates, events and people. It is worth stopping for a moment at each of them. On the ground floor you will find the one commemorating the visit and figure of John Paul II. On the first floor, you can see plaques about members of parliament who died during World War II and the victims of the Smolensk air disaster.

visiting Polish Parliament

In the main hall, it is difficult to ignore two showcases with ‘parliament treasures’. One of them contains historic marshal’s walking sticks. It is easy to notice that the symbols of power of the ‘second most important person in the state’ have changed their appearance over the years. Next to it there is a display case with a cross received by Marshal Marek KuchciÅ„ski on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland.

Polish Parliament tour booking

For dessert – the cherry on the cake – the Column Hall. As our guide told us, high school students visiting the Sejm often ask about the possibility of organizing a prom here. Unfortunately, this room is intended for meetings of parliamentary committees, conferences, public hearings and meetings of the largest parliamentary club. The Column Hall is impressive with its design and decorations and makes us say goodbye to the Sejm with a bang, with due seriousness, and with general satisfaction.

Column Hall Polish Parliament

Visiting the Polish Parliament – tickets

You can visit the Polish Parliament for free – no tickets are required for a trip like ours. Remember, however, that you must book your visit in advance and arrive at Wiejska 4/6/8 about 15 minutes before the planned entrance to obtain a free pass.

parliament bench

Visiting the Sejm – reservation / booking

To visit the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, you must book your visit in advance. Grab the link: CLICK.

Remember: an individual tour does not mean that you will be alone with a guide – you will be joined to a group of other people who have also chosen this option. If you are going as a whole class or as a student group, click on the option for organized groups.

how to get to Polish parliament

Parliament of the Republic of Poland – visiting time

On the website of the Sejm you will find information that the visit time is approximately 40 minutes. However, this is how long the guided tour itself takes. In fact, you have to arrive no later than 15 minutes before the tour time to collect your pass, go through the security check, leave your belongings in the cloakroom as a whole group and only then does the ‘tour de Sejm’ begin. So allocate a little over an hour for sightseeing.

Sejm trip

Polish Parliament – directions

The complex of buildings of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland can be found at Wiejska 4/6/8 and Wiejska 1. You can easily get here by any means of transport.

  • Traditionally, we encourage ecological walking and cycling trips – the Sejm of the Republic of Poland is located less than 2 kilometers from the center of Warsaw (25 minutes on foot or less than 10 minutes by bike).
  • Bus. There are bus stops nearby: Wiejska (the nearest), PiÄ™kna and Åšniegocka.
  • Tram. The closest stops are Plac Zbawiciela or the National Museum (but in both cases you are still a dozen or so minutes away on foot from the Sejm).
  • Subway. The closest station will be the M1 Politechnika station, but it’s still a 15-20 minute walk.
  • Car. You can use paid city parking lots near the Sejm.

Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Visiting the Sejm – tips

  • First, a riddle: who is in power in Poland? Sejm or Senate? None of them. Dear all, remember that according to the constitution: ‘The supreme power in the Republic of Poland belongs to the Nation. The Nation exercises power through its representatives or directly.’ So do not forget that those gentlemen and ladies who sit in the Upper or Lower House are only representatives of the citizens. If anyone of you can vote and don’t like their way of conducting politics, it is worth replacing them with better models during the next elections.
  • The sessions of the Sejm are public, so if you wish, you can exercise your right to observe the proceedings (both individually and in a group). Of course, you must apply for a pass first.
  • Householders have the opportunity to visit the Sejm online. All you need to do is find the virtual tour tab on the website.
  • The cross in the display case in the main hall (mentioned above) was made of oak wood from the time of the first ruler of Poland Mieszko I’s baptism.

Parliament of the Republic oF Poland

Visiting the Polish Parliament – reviews

  • Patrix – 8/10. Entering the Assembly Room where the debates are taking place is a very specific feeling. The nice guide told us a lot of interesting facts about what ‘everyday life’ is like here. I think it’s worth going, especially since it costs PLN 0.
  • Wiolczix – 7/10. Short, concise and ‘straight to the point’ – this is how I would summarize the trip to the Polish Parliament in one sentence. The guide was specific, talked interestingly, told us a lot of facts, but to be honest we spent most of our time with… a model of the entire facility. Then we quickly marched to the Assembly Room, spent a while in the famous Main Hall, then 3 minutes in the Column Hall and that’s it. The hour of sightseeing could have been spent a bit better and more interestingly. Nevertheless, visiting the entire facility is a nice adventure. It’s good that finally the Polish Parliament is for the people, and not only the people for the Polish Parliament.

Parliament Warsaw

Visiting the Polish Parliament – FAQ

Can I visit the Polish Parliament individually? Are there trips to the Sejm?

The Sejm of the Republic of Poland can be visited. Of course, you cannot move around the area on your own. In February 2024, the Online Visit Reservation System to the Sejm was launched, through which you can individually sign up for a guided tour. Organized groups of 15 to 55 people are also welcome here.

On what days can you visit the Polish Parliament? When can you visit the Sejm?

You can visit the Sejm on working days when there are no sessions, state visits or other important events. Individual guided tours start at 12:00. Organized groups (15-55 people) can visit the building from 9:00-15:00.

How much does it cost to visit the Polish Parliament? Is there a fee to visit the Sejm?

You can visit the Polish Parliament for free. Tickets are not sold at all, you just need to book a free visit in advance. The only cost to be incurred is time and possible travel to the site.

Can anyone enter the Polish Parliament building? Who can enter the Sejm?

Yes, anyone interested can enter the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. But not like from the street. 🙂 If you are not an employee, you must obtain a special ID issued by the Pass Section. This applies both if you want to visit the Sejm on a tour or take part in the sessions as an observer.

Where is the Polish Parliament building?

The building of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland is located in Warsaw at Wiejska Street (Wiejska 1 and Wiejska 4/6/8). It is just 2 kilometers from the city center. So if you are on a trip to the capital, be sure to go on a free trip to the Polish Parliament.

Sejm Warsaw Poland

Visiting the Sejm – map

The Pass Section, where you can collect your tickets for individual visits to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, is located at 4/6/8 Wiejska Street in Warsaw.

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